IP&E Palau continues to be a strong supporter of higher education for Palauans shown by their consistent scholarship donations for the past 21 years. Delegate and IP&E Palau Area Manager Frank Kyota is committed to advocating for the IP&E Scholarship to continue. Delegate Kyota presented this school year’s IP&E Scholarship donation of $5,000.00 to the Palau National Scholarship Board. This money is available to students majoring in specific fields of study preferred by IP&E Palau Inc.: Biological Science – Pre-medicine or Medicine or Marine Biology; Physical Science – Chemistry (Teaching); Social Science – Economics, Pre-Law/Law; Math – Teaching. A student must also study at a college or university outside of Palau. IP&E also sponsors a scholarship for Palau Community College that is administered through PCC.
Palau National Scholarship Board awarded this school year 2016-2017 IP&E Scholarship awards of $1,250 each to the following four students based on their grades, field of study and class level: 1)BINTORIO, Glover; 2) MASON, Catherine A; 3) ROBERTO, Rilang; 4) WILLIS, Keisha V. Since the students are now off-island for college, their parents were pictured with Honorable Delegate Frank Kyota representing IP&E Scholarship.